What We Offer
Our lessons will ensure dancers are involved in a physical activity that is fun and challenging. We offer in-person lessons in various levels and styles, suitable for all ages and skill levels. Our wide range of professionally taught recreational and competitive dance lessons are taught in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Private, semi-private and group lessons are offered to individuals 3 years and older.
Students will:
- Improve self-confidence
- Increase muscle strength, tone and flexibility
- Improve overall health
- Relieve negative stress
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Make new friends and develop social skills
- Gain grace and poise
- Develop creativity
- Learn responsibility, time management and leadership skills

Our Classes
Please contact us to learn more about our tuition fees.
Full Season Classes
Weekly Classes

July Summer Camps & Classes
Nursery (3 – 6 years old)
9:30am – 11:30am Ballet/Tap
Dance Diversity (7 years old and up)
9:00am – 1:00pm, Various genres of classes, craft & snack
Weekly Classes (3 years of age to adults)
Group, Trio, Duet & Solo Classes
1 hour class/week for the month

Styles of Dance
Ballet dance is an strict, artistic dance form performed to music using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures. Classical ballet is characterized by light, graceful and fluid movements to create expression through movement. Ballet is the foundation for all dance forms. Improve strength, poise, balance and control. Technical skill gained through the study of Ballet is necessary for all other dance forms of dance. Dancers will study the discipline of Ballet through Ceccheti. Students considering the dance company in the future should enroll in a Ballet class.
Tap dance is a dance performed wearing shoes fitted with metal taps, characterized by rhythmical tapping of the toes and heels. This is a form of dance that focuses on co-ordination, timing and syncopated rhythm. Tap is an expression of movement through sound. Dancers will learn choreography by performing rhythm based steps. Once you start tapping you will never want to stop!
Jazz is a fundamental dance form that compliments all other dance forms. Jazz classes are comprised of a warm-up, center work and progressions including jumps and turns. Technique and style through choreography are emphasized. Students will learn jazz steps, progressive skills and jazz combinations and routines.
Musical Theater
Musical Theater is a form of theatrical performance that combines songs, spoken language, spoken dialogue, acting and dance. The story and emotional contents of a musical are communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole.
Acro is a combination of the floor work of gymnastics and Jazz movement. This class will improve flexibility, control and strength. Dancers will learn how to correctly and safely execute tricks. It is strongly recommended that dancers take a jazz or hip hop class to compliment their Acro training.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop is a fast-paced, high-energy form of dance. Previous dance training is not required (though it can be beneficial) as emphasis is less on formal technique and more on personal style. Classes start with a warm-up designed to get the blood pumping and the muscles working intensely, and then students will move on to learning and perfecting difficult choreography.
Going en pointe is traditionally a technique for women however both men and women are welcome to learn pointe in our classes. It is where the dancer will stand on the tip of their toes in specially designed shoes. The shoes are much harder than ballet shoes.
All students taking a Pointe class are mandated to take a Ballet class as Pointe is an extension of Ballet that requires the Ballet technique and strength.
Lyrical is often described as a hybrid of Classical Ballet, Jazz, and Modern Dance. Lyrical is less constrained than Ballet, more emotive than Jazz and incorporates free movement from Modern. It is a highly interpretive, expressive, and free-flowing form of dance, wherein the dancer expresses the theme or lyrics of a piece of music through his/her movements.
Contemporary dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements.
Competitive Students
All competitive students are required to take a minimum of four forms of dance, one ballet class and a ballet technique class are mandatory. Student attendance for competitive classes is of extreme importance as it is difficult to choreograph routines when dancers are not present. If a student doesn’t attend 3 or more competitive classes, they may be removed from competitions. Students withdrawing from competition will not be permitted after November 1st. These regulations are put into place to ensure the students are properly prepared to compete. There are no refunds on competition fees.

Dance Attire
For structured dance classes we require the following dress code.
Hair must be pulled back off of the face and into a bun for ballet classes. A ponytail with the hair off the face is acceptable for all other classes. Hair that is left down or in the student’s face distracts the student from their dance class. If the student’s hair is not pulled back and off the student’s face, they will not be allowed to participate in class exercises.
Please refer to the teacher about the type and style of shoe to obtain. Canvas split sole ballet shoes are required for ballet. Indoor running shoes only for hip hop.
A leotard (bodysuit) and tights of no specific colour must be worn for all classes. Warm up apparel may be worn at the teacher’s discretion. Musical Theatre and Hip Hop classes are permitted to wear yoga clothing that are not excessively baggy. If students do not wear the proper dance apparel, they will not be allowed to participate in class exercises. Please remember that if an article of clothing says “dance” on it, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is acceptable dancewear for dance class. Proper dance pants, shorts and shirts are made of materials that make them better to dance in and easier for the dance teacher to correct the dancer to prevent injury.
Dancewear can be purchased at Dancewear Niagara located in St. Catharines.